
Becoming a “Typical” Teen at Just the Right Time

by Frank Campagna

I'm starting to write this post at 9:30pm on a chilly Wednesday night.  I'm sitting on my couch in my underwear eating frozen pizza while watching "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and...

I Dropped the Ball Last Weekend!!!!

by Frank Campagna

I dropped the ball last weekend. For the first time since wife and I got separated over the summer I feel like I dropped the ball with something with regards...

Wifey And I Have Separated…

by Frank Campagna

  I spoke at 3 different autism events back in July. At each of them I did my presentation “Top 20 Things Nobody Ever Told Me After My Kid Was...

The Evolution Of Sesame’s Julia

by Frank Campagna

  As many of you know I started this blog in 2011 and for a long time I was anonymous. I came out in September of 2015 in a post...

Getting Back To Our Lives & Living Our Dreams

by Frank Campagna

This might be a weird post and I might take a lot of flack for it.  However I just had to get it out because it's something I've been thinking...

Autism Parents: Things Are Gonna Get Easier

by Frank Campagna

I wrote a post yesterday called "I Still Yearn For a Typical Life Sometimes".  In it I talked about even though I’ve been living on Autism Avenue for over 11...

I Still Yearn for a More Typical Life Sometimes

by Frank Campagna

  I feel like I've gotten pretty good at this special needs parenting thing.  I don't focus on what is missing from our lives as much anymore. Years back, in...