
Now Reading: Tough decisions for Kyle’s fall weekend activities….

Tough decisions for Kyle’s fall weekend activities….

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Tough decisions…

For the past few school years we’ve had our weekends filled with Kyle activities…special needs music therapy, special needs gymnastics, and special needs swim lessons. It was good. It forced us out of the house on Sat & Sun, gave us a jumpstart to the day, and Kyle enjoyed them all.

This year he doesn’t like to swim anymore (even though he’s a GREAT swimmer) and I can totally see him tantruming thru the entire music therapy session.

So do we skip all these activities? They aren’t cheap so it would suck to spend $$ and have him be miserable, but not having an agenda for the weekend isn’t good for us or Kyle. I can easily see us getting stuck in a rut where we’re home each Sat / Sun til 2pm in the afternoon…and that’s not good…

But…we don’t want him to learn that he can tantrum his way out of anything… And maybe he can learn to like them again… Maybe he just needs a few weeks back in the old routine…

But….why make the kid miserable?

Decisions, decisions…

A story about

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Written by

Frank Campagna

I’m a 48 year old neurotypical dad with a 14 year old son with severe, non-verbal autism & epilepsy. I created this blog to rant about autism & epilepsy while celebrating my son who I affectionately call “the king” :-).

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5 People Replies to “Tough decisions for Kyle’s fall weekend activities….”

  1. Anonymous

    left early today though when I realized the lunch part if Sabbath really was over for us. I cried on the way home because I really do want to fellowship so much with my Christian brothers and sisters; I really just want things to be normal; even semi-normal; but they're not and they never will be.
    I've been trying to think of some fall activities that my son would like to do but everyone I come up with never seems to come to fruition for one reason or another. He is happiest listening to music and/or watching the wind blow on the trees outside. He could care less about pumpkins, apple picking, farm hayrides or animals, the changing color of leaves or hiking. With each month passing I feel more and more isolated, which is sometimes depressing and/or scary. New respite provider on the way soin hopefully. The last two both lasted for less than a year, which actually was longer than I expected! Holding on and yes…..autism sucks. 🙁

  2. Anonymous

    We go to church every Saturday being SDAs and for awhile we would even eat lunch with everyone after the service. But its gotten to be too much for me (just the lunch piece I mean). He's just too unpredictable and there's just too many little kids and old people aroud. He could push someone, anyone, down on the floor or a flight of stairs, throw food or a drink or anything, within his reach, scream thereby scaring people, try and take his clothes off; oh the list is endless. He's still manageable in the sanctuary for the sermon (he rolls around on the carpeted floor in the back where I sit with him). We

  3. Anonymous

    you can always try some activitys that are at home there are lots of fun things you can try like play a game with kyle on the computer or take him outside ect… I Have a 2yr old son with autism and we mostly stay home, we do take him outside to the park behind the house at the school and he loves it and Ive been teaching him how to play this disney abc game on the computer its a learning game too. He seems to like it and then he watches sesame street for a bit and then I play with him and we do crafts and paint and color too. I know things are harder with an autistic child. We even take the kids to see there grandparents sometimes on the weekend too. There are lots of activitys you can do with your asd kids at home, just think about it and be creative!

  4. Anonymous

    sounds like my son he is only 4 yrs old with severe autism,we have been completely isolated to our house also,everytime we even attempt to take him out in public he completely looses it,autism does suck, at times i dont know how we are going to make it through this long road ahead of us.(no sleeping,agressive behavior,very hyper)he barely sleeps so its been very hard to even get enough energy ready for the next day.

  5. Anonymous

    I totally understand this, my daughter is severe so I took her to aquatic therapy and horse therapy on the weekend and it was miserable for her and me. There wasnt was person hair she didnt pull because she was so stressed. I continued to make her go for years off and on and just can't afford all of the therapies anymore. She got nothing out of them and everbody was scared of her and never wanted to work with her. I even tried to take her places that were free and it just didn't work. So now she is 11 and we stay isolated at home. The hair pulling and screaming and noncompliance won. Autism won!!! As usual… It's not fair, but life with Autism isn't fair… Autism bites, but most of all it Sucks!!!!